Friday, November 30, 2007


They sell this soup in our favorite Pizza restaurant and I think I cloned the recipe. In fact (don't tell anyone) this recipe may be better

Chicken breasts or thighs
Onion, chopped
Garlic, chopped or pressed, lots
Lots of water
Noodles, homemade style (“Country Pasta” this USED to be sold at Costco. It is available in the grocery store but we bought a different brand with shorter pasta noodles and we liked it better, they were still nice and thick noodles.)
Carrots, peeled and chopped
Celery, chopped
“Chicken Base” to taste (available at Costco--or at a grocery store. This is a thick paste. Be careful not to add too much because it's salty.)
Flour, dissolved in water

Boil chicken, onion and garlic in water until chicken is done. Remove chicken, cool and chop. Boil carrots and celery in separate pans until almost tender, drain. Put noodles in chicken water and boil until tender—this takes a long time, almost 30 minutes. Add chicken base to taste—it takes quite a lot, and a bit of parsley. Thicken with flour and water, boil about three minutes to cook the flour. Add vegetables and chicken. Serve.

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